Another week has come and that means another mini digital interview!! Have you checked out our previous interviews? We have a wide range of super awesome and talented designers/artists that you can learn more about! Just check our MINI KAWAII INTERVIEW blog category!
Magdalena - Designer and Owner of Violet Fane

I saw some Violet Fane items while I was at BuriDeco in Feb. 2020! I didn't get a chance to meet Magdalena in person, but I did get to see her work at the shopping event and the fashion show! You can check out the BuriDeco Day 1 event report, as well as the fashion show report! During covid, she has been drawing a lot and watching movies.

(A beautiful photo from the Tragicomique Series)
Violet Fane is a lolita brand based out of Barcelona, Spain. Magdanela started working on/planning her brand in 2014, but it wasn't until 2015 when it was officially shown to the world. Actually, you can find Violet Fane items at Atelier Pierrot in Japan!! There are a few locations currently holding Violet Fane items! How AMAZING to have your products sold alongside other beautiful lolita items!!
(This collection is called "The Asylum" and it includes a print that features different operating tools and a diagram of the brain!)
I asked Magdalena what her favourite part about designing is: "Designing is a safe place, what I love about designing (or any other creative thing) is that it allows me to explore concepts, worlds, etc. where I feel safe in, fantasy is a lovely place to sat sometimes!"
I absolutely agree with this. Creativity allows us to explore a world beyond our own! We can create anything we want and we can allow our thoughts to run free. Sometimes, this is when the best ideas come!
(A variety of different designs, from dainty fairies to wizarding school to astrological alchemy!)

I also asked Magdalena what is the most important aspect of fashion to her?
"For me, in relation of what I’ve just said, fashion is an art form to feel safe and express yourself. If you start noticing that fashion gives you stress, you are scared to post whatever you want, OR you are trying to be perfect or to coord clothing like “it should be” even if you are uncomfortable, then cut that off! In the end, pleasing people to be recognized as “more lolita” or a “perfect lolita” is the least lolita thing we can do."
It's important, as Magdalena just said, to wear clothes the way YOU want to, not because "the rules are telling you to". Once you buy a piece of clothing, it is yours to decide how you want to wear it or what you want to do with it.
The above photo is from the Otome Nostalgia series, which I absolutely adore! I'd say this is my favourite print series Violet Fane has released. Alongside the lolita pieces, there were a few casual cutsews that were also offered with some adorable original girls on them! Actually, Magdalena says that she will be making more cotton clothing, both basics and printed pieces! I look forward to seeing what she will come up with.

I asked Magdalena what is something she is most proud of! As a few other designers responded:
Not giving up!!
"Not giving up. Honestly, make this your work and way of life for 6 years. Even I am from a non-supportive country for artistists, even I work in a fashion used to high standards really difficult for us to accomplish with a team or two people. I wanted to quit a few times to have an easier life, but I didn’t. Because I genuinely love art and I am committed to get better. And about designs, Otome Nostalgia was hard because it was a design made from the bottom of my heart but in a style I never explored before! "

(I absolutely love the styling from this instagram post!)
Lastly, I asked Magdalena if she could design ANYTHING in the world, what would it be?
"AHHHHH ANYTHING??? I have... you know one of those impossible dream jobs.. that would be to design haunted mansions at amusement parks hahaha like of course budget limitless. I would also love to work as art director at Guillermo del Toro’s movies, but as I feel totally unqualified for that super complicated job, the impostor syndrome would hit me hard and I would put myself a huge pressure, so I am better here where I am. I feel I am doing better every day and I am enjoying the process! "

(A photo from the "Haunted Mansion" series. A perfect uniform for those who would work at the Violet Fane produced haunted house!)
Thanks for your response Magdalena! And thank you all for reading. Be sure to check out the Violet Fane social networks and website, and check out our other blog posts on KAWAII INTERVIEWS, events I've attended, and more!