We are now into May! Is everyone holding up ok? I hope, with this new month in front of us, we can hear more news about the decline of the virus and hope for some good news!! If you like reading these series of mini interviews, feel free to leave any suggestions you may have on our Contact Page!
Before we begin, have you seen our new Digital Fashion Show video on YouTube? If not, check it out now be clicking this link! It was a fun project to connect my community and I hope to do more community involved projects soon!
AHEM! Now moving forward with our first digi-view for May. It's with Elleni the Label, a super cute beret creator from Australia!
Elleni - Designer and Owner of Elleni the Label

I don't remember when exactly I stumbled upon Elleni's instagram page, but I started to follow her August 2016 after seeing her post on the RAW Artists website. RAW Artists is an organization that has sections worldwide, which holds shows to help connect artists, designers, musicians, models, etc.! I did a show with RAW Artists in 2016, which was my 2nd GHOST GiRL GOODS fashion show! More about that in another blog post coming soon!)

(This backstage photo with the 2nd ever GHOST GiRL GOODS model crew!)
ANYWAYS! Back on track! I first asked Elleni when she started her brand and what the story was behind it.
"She was always a brand, darling! I’ve always adored fashion and known I was weird, quirky, colourful, creative. Never wanted to be anything but myself and will always have a new idea. I’m not me unless I’m creating something, and I love that my creations help others express themselves. Elleni the Label was a little inevitable. Beret wise, a few years ago, I wanted some colourful berets to wear and decided they were just too plain for me! I first made a couple for myself to wear, then to style a little collection I made, and they took off from there. I love making hats, but the hope is to keep rolling out new avenues of fashion until I make everything!"

Her designs look delightful and delicious too! She currently has a whole little pie beret collection on her web shop! Here are just a few from the batch.

Elleni then told me the message she wants to convey with her brand and products.
"I just simply want to make you smile.Happiness radiates and spreads to those who witness it and I love creating a small piece of joy to brighten a day. I seriously love fashion, but I never take myself seriously.I’m not saving lives; I’m just making hats that look like pies with hopes of leaving someone with a smile every day, leaving the world a little brighter than it was yesterday. Bake the world a happier place. And that’s a little important too!"
I also asked what is an important aspect of creativity/art to her.
"Every aspect of creativity is important to me, and there’s a little creativity in everything and a lot within everyone. Through Elleni the Label, I love highlighting the quirks and kooks that make a person who they are, helping customers shine as themselves. Because what’s different and weird about us is what’s pretty fab about us."
(These lovely icing trimmed berets have tiny strawberries to top them off~!)

I also asked Elleni about some future projects shes working on. She has just returned to Australia after living in London, England for a couple of years. The reunion with her machinery and workplace has gotten her so excited to release lots of new designs.
"I always have a huge list of upcoming styles in my brain, some of which were only possible with my embroidery machine so I couldn’t begin them until now. But amidst these strange times I’m really just hoping to make as many people smile as possible with my weird hats – a little sunshine in a bit of a dark moment in time."
Now, I've been asking everyone I interview a hard question: is there a favourite design!! Everyone has struggled to answer and I completely understand! Elleni replied with:
"That’s like asking a mother to choose her favourite child! They are little sparkles in my brain that turn into tangible cuteness and I love them all for different reasons. But I look at them so much that sometimes I hate them all too, so it really is like family. If I’m pushed though, I might have to say the Cutie Pie Beret - the first born, the OG pie on your head."
Lastly, I asked Elleni what is something she's most proud of:

"I’ve won two international scholarships, moved and lived alone on the other side of the planet and do every little part of Elleni the Label by myself – but what I am most proud of and what makes me the absolute happiest is seeing how happy my designs make my customers. Hearing delighted shrieks from down the hall when someone realizes the beret they see is a little pie when I’m at markets, the personality in the photos my beautiful customer base post, the messages I receive from customers that are so thrilled with how many enchanted comments they receive when wearing a style. I just adore making people happy and helping them feel happy with who they are – weirdness and all – and that makes me proud every day."
(I absolutely LOVE this cow look with milk box!!)
Thanks for answering Elleni! And thank you all for reading. Be sure to check out Elleni the Label social networks and website, and check out our other blog posts on KAWAII INTERVIEWS, events I've attended, and more!