GHOST GiRL GOODS and Game Nest present their collaborative project:
GAME NEST PARADE!! A celebration of our love for games!

The story starts in November 2021, when the GGG duo were invited to attend Royal Vegas Retreat in Las Vegas, NV. Having a few days before the event, the duo decided to check out a local arcade called Game Nest! Little did they know that this arcade was FILLED with Japanese imported games that Alexia had seen on her travels to Akihabara! Kyelor had his heart focused on Initial D, which used to be in some arcades in Ontario, but then over time, they disappeared! Finally, he was reunited with his favourite game/series.
You can read all about our stories at game nest in these 2 blogs:
GHOST GiRL GOODS spent so much time in Game Nest (on our short trips, we were there 3 out of 5 days, maybe more!) It only made sense that we proposed creating a collaboration together to show our love~ The game nest team and GHOST GiRL GOODS were able to have a mini meeting at Sin City Anime 2022! From there, the planning started.

We designed a new version of our beloved GHOSTOWN print, but this time, added many icons from games we enjoy playing and those seen in the arcade. We also threw in our mascots wearing some cosplay! Keeping on theme, we called the colourways Player 1 (white) and Player 2 (black). Combined, they are CO-OP Play!
We included icons from Pump It Up, Initial D, Taiko no Tatsujin, Guitar Hero, Maimai, Chunithim, Pokemon, Super Mario, Super Smash Bros, and some generic icons like a game controller and shooter game gun. And of course, the Game Nest logo, which is a little bird popping out of an arcade machine! (We gave it a GGG makeover)
These shirts will be available at Game Nest arcade in Las Vegas and debuting at Anime North for our local fans! They will release online after Anime North weekend. Perhaps this is the start of invading the world with ghosts via GHOSTOWN!!