GHOST GiRL GOODS was invited to be a Special Guest at Anime St. Louis in St. Louis/St. Charles Missouri!

It was the first time I went to a convention alone and also my first time in Missouri.
The convention is held at the St Charles Convention Centre, which is attached to the Embassy Suites hotel (that's where I was staying!) I've never been to a convention with the hotel connected directly to the con center and activities being held there too. The hotel was very nice! (The closest thing to this experience was Sin City Anime at the Alexis Park Hotel, which had the rooms exiting to the outside and the con centre right on the hotel grounds. We got to enjoy the sunshine each morning!)

Friday was the first day at the con! I set up the booth and welcomed our customers! It was nice to see so many cosplayers too, as I felt there was somewhat of a variety of different characters! (not only that but I haven't been to a con since Nov. 2022, so I was back in my element!) The J-Fashion meet and greet was held in the evening, but I was still working at the booth and could not attend while it was happening. The dealer's hall closed later on Friday, so I just spent the evening relaxing and preparing everything for the fashion show the next morning.
GHOST GiRL GOODS participated in the fashion show and I was the MC as I usually am hehe~! The crowd was very excited (after I woke them up!), but gave great reaction throughout the whole show. Thank you to everyone who attended! This year's fashion show included 3 other brands also: Generation Monster, Hard Decora, and a special collaboration between Lulu Van Hoagland and Pop Princess
Here's a full look at all the GHOST GIRL GOODS models:
After the runway portion of the fashion show, Juvanixx did a performance (in ther GGG fashion show looks!)

After the fashion show, I went back to the booth in the dealers hall. Once the dealers hall closed, there was a J-Fashion Party! It was a fully packed room so they unfortunately had to turn away some people.
I actually got to see the creator of Night Whisper Lolita again, which was so nice! I met her in Texas last year while we were both guests at A-Kon! (She's local to St. Louis) Finally we wrapped up the convention activities and I got to spend the rest of the evening with the lovely con runners of Sin City Anime, as well as the J-Fashion staff of Anime St. Louis!
The final day of the con and customers making their last purchases! Here are a whole bunch of customer snaps from the duration of the weekend (thank you everyone for your support!) We'll have more posted on instagram!
After the dealer's hall closed, I had to say my "Until Next Time"s to some wonderful friends. (the hardest part of the con since we all live in different parts!) However, we will get to see them again at this year's Sin City Anime! (GHOST GiRL GOODS will be a guest again!)
I spent the rest of my evening hanging out with the awesome trio Juvanixx Project! I myself am a huge vocaloid fan and have done dance coves and cosplays before, so when I met them, it was a perfect combo of love for j-fashion and vocaloids! They took me for bubble tea and noodles (a great combo) and we walked around the area a bit also! We thought we saw a karaoke place, but it turned out it was actually a bar with karaoke and we were not interested LOL
And that's a wrap on my Anime St. Louis adventure! Thank you to everyone who stopped by the booth during the weekend, attended the fashion show, and enjoyed the energy of GHOST GiRL GOODS! We will be having some more American appearances in 2023, but be sure to let your local conventions know if you wanna see GHOST GIRL GOODS at your local events! We want to meet you all~!