GHOST GiRL GOODS had their 2nd US guest appearance at A-Kon 2022! We had an absolute BLAST being part of the convention and I am here to give the full report on our travels to Texas for this super fun event!
We arrived in Texas 2 days before the convention, which meant we could have some free time to explore. We heard that Texas is known for BBQ, so our first stop was a very tasty BBQ place called Hard Eight. It was essentially a smoke house where you pick any meat that you want, and then the building attached next door was where you eat! After we finished eating, we headed to Round 1, where we spent several hours playing games haha! (Actually, we went to Round 1 almost every day of our trip LOL) Kyelor definitely got his fix of Initial D and I got to play many rounds of DDR. We also tried some new games too and Kyelor won a bunch of prizes from the UFO catchers!
The view from our hotel room was perfect, as we could see the whole convention center! We also went to pick up our passes on Thursday! (The character on the pass is so cute!)

Fast forward to the first day of A-Kon!!! We had a great spot for our booth (although, the Wi-Fi was very choppy!) We displayed 2 very special guest models at the booth, which you can see in the photo to the right. Day 1 included the fashion show, so there was a lot of hustling that day. Checking messages, making sure the fashion show garments fit, on stage practice, ect. The fashion show started in the evening and I was the MC for the J-Fashion portion of the show!

(I wish I could have MC'd the whole show just simply because I love to be on stage!) But that is ok! We had a wonderful MC for the lolita portion of the fashoin show, which was YouTuber Hello Batty. We had a VERY special guest model for GHOST GIRL was Deku from My Hero Academia! (He was pretty shy though, so we had to make some last minute model adjustments.) Jokes aside, there was a special guest model at the fashion show: RinRin Doll! She modelled for both Baroque and Angelic Pretty. We debuted our HYPER CORE and GHOST GiRL GOODS collaboration: HYPER GIRL Tee and Beanie! All the models we had were amazing and they all looked great in their assigned outfits! I changed into my actual outfit backstage before going up.

We snapped a group photo before the fashion show started and I also got individual photos of everyone's outfits (Big thank you to my 2 fashion show team helpers Brittany and Feleena for getting all our models organized for the show! Their help throughout the A-Kon weekend was amazing and we cant thank them enough for their efforts and kindness.)

Here are each model's individual outfit shot! (Use the left and right arrows to see more)
We started the day off with the lolita tea party! I wore a very special original lolita dress, created by Christina of KittyKaya Kawaii. You can check out this blog article to find out more on what she does. I also got a chance to take a photo with RinRin Doll!
After the tea party, Kyelor and I returned back to our table to do some more selling! We were so happy to meet so many new customers and returning ones also! Here are a bunch of customer snaps we took over the weekend. (We have many more but couldn't fit them all here!)

The last day of the convention! We had 2 events, the Discover Your Kawaii panel and the J-Fashion Mixer! (Usually a mixer happens before a big event, so this was sort of a mini party to wrap up the con.) My panel was a small group of people and it felt like I was just hanging out with some friends! I took a group photo of us all after sharing many stories of how GHOST GiRL GOODS came to be.
The J-Fashion mixer happened in the same room and it was VERY SQUISHY!!! But we made it work. We had everyone play bingo, to introduce and meet other people. Then we played a create a monster game, where 2 contestants drew out monsters inspired by 3 keywords given by the audience! Afterwards, we did a mini Q & A session. Christina of KittyKaya and Joelle of Fluffy Tori also joined me as special guests. I wish the con could have lasted longer!!

(A photo of our bingo winners from the J-Fashion mixer!)
Thank you so much to the A-Kon team and to the A-Kon Fashion team!! GHOST GiRL GOODS was so honoured to be part of the event and we hope to return in the future! (Please let Alexia MC all your events!!)
Until next time, BE STRANGE. FEAR THE NORM.